Talk @ PyData NYC - ipyvizzu-story - a new, open-source tool to build, present and share animated data stories with Python in Jupyter

I am delighted to have had the opportunity to deliver a tutorial at PyData NYC on our latest open-source tool, ipyvizzu-story, which allows Python users to easily build, present, and share animated data stories using Jupyter notebooks.


Sharing and explaining the results of your analysis can be a lot easier and much more fun when you can create an animated story of the charts containing your insights. ipyvizzu-story - a new open-source presentation tool for Jupyter & Databricks notebooks and similar platforms - enables just that using a simple Python interface.

In this tutorial, one of the creators of ipyvizzu-story introduces this tool and helps the audience take the first steps in utilizing the power of animation in data storytelling. After the tutorial, the members can start building and presenting animated data stories independently.

Covered topics:

After a brief introduction to the technology, viewers will see a step-by-step walkthrough of creating an interactive, animated data story within Jupyter.

Outline of the tutorial:

  • Introduction to Vizzu, the open-source C++/JavaScript lib behind ipyvizzu
  • Key concepts when using a generic chart building and morphing engine.
  • The four essential parts of the animate method - the central element of ipyvizzu-story
  • Adding data with and without using pandas
  • Chart configuration options
  • Styling
  • Animation options
  • Building a story (slides, steps)
  • Q&A session